What is the shelf life of Harvest Foodworks products?
My Harvest product has no “best before” date on it, is it still useable?

Since 1996, Harvest has been putting “best before” dates on all its products. Prior to that, a system of “lot codes” was used. If your product has a lot code quoted on the label, it is well past its “best before” date which is generally, two years from date of manufacture.

My Harvest product has no “best before” date on it, is it still useable?
All of our products are packaged using machinery which may have been contaminated by nut products. Our product packagers will not guarantee a “nut-free” atmosphere, and therefore we cannot pass on any guarantees to our customers, even wnere no nut or nut products are declared on our product ingredient lists.
Do Harvest products contain MSG?
Harvest products in general contain no additives or preservatives. Specifically we do not add any MSG to our products. However, MSG does occur naturally in some ingredients that we use, such as tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms, cheese products etc.
Are any Harvest products gluten free?
Based on the list of “forbidden” items published by the Canadian Celiac Association, we do not believe any of our products can be designated as “gluten free”. However; our Penne Carbonara and Cranberry Risotto are labeled as a “Gluten Controlled” entrée, which means even though the individual ingredients do not contain gluten, we cannot guarantee they were processed in a gluten free facility.
tasted meat in your products – I thought they were vegetarian?
All our meals are indeed vegetarian. (We sell meats you can add yourself; beef & chicken.) But we do make use of the latest soya products to provide the essential protein and indeed “mouth feel” of meat so that vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike can enjoy the great taste of a Harvest dinner.
Can I order your real meat products in the US?
USDA regulations prohibit us from shipping our real meat products into the United States.
Will you sponsor our expedition?
The short answer to this question is, “It depends”. We do receive many requests each year, and though we would love to be able to help more than we do, we have to limit the requests we approve. We therefore apply two major sets of criteria:

1. We will only consider sponsorship requests which involve the supply of Harvest food.

2. The activity to be sponsored must benefit more than just the participants themselves.

If a request meets these criteria we then attempt to select the activities which will provide Harvest with the most appropriate exposure, given our business philosophies.

Are any Harvest Foodworks products Kosher?
Are any Harvest Foodworks products considered, ‘Low Fat’?
Yes. Health Canada defines “low fat” foods as those containing not more than 3 grams of fat per serving.

Check out these “low fat” Harvest Foodworks entrées:

Spaghettini Italiano, 1.7 g
Tandoori Curry, 1.6 g
Cajun Beans and Rice, 1.3 g
Chili Mexicana, 2.5 g
Garden Vegetable Stew, 2.3 g
Mulligan Stew, 2.3 g
Mediterranean Pasta, 1.7 g

Are Harvest Foodworks products good Muscle Replenishers?
Yes. Research shows that after vigorous exercise its best to start replenishing muscle glycogen (muscle cells) within 30 minutes using foods with at least a 3:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio?

Harvest Foodworks entrées can deliver this:

Spaghettini Italiano, 3.4:1
Alfredo Primavera, 3.1:1
Cajun Beans and Rice, 4.2:1
Bountiful Vegetable Pasta, 4.8:1
Chili Mexicana, 3.1:1
Garden Vegetable Stew, 4.7:1
Maritime Pasta Supreme, 3.6:1
Mulligan Stew, 3.5:1
Oriental Sweet and Sour, 4.1:1
Penne Carbonara, 3.1:1
Cranberry Risotto, 3.5:1

Where is your Privacy Policy?
Our privacy policy is here: https://www.harvestfoodworks.com/privacy-policy.php
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